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The first cases are easy: 1 = (2+2)/(2+2) 2 = (2/2)+(2/2) 3 = (22)-(2/2) 4 = 2+2+2-2 5 = (22)+(2/2) 6 = (222)-2 After this, things get tricky: 7=(2)+2+2+2. But what if...
Heres the full interview I had with Vittoria Cristante for BEYOND SC!ENCE magazine. Personal Journey Into Math - As a kid, I was always very good...
If career goals are to be the best mathematician possible and be competitive in academic research/contribute excellent research to the community, what do you suggest? Think...
When you cut a cylinder diagonally, it's easy to understand that a symmetrical ellipse will appear. However, when cutting a cone diagonally, initially, I couldn't imagine...